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tv   ABC2 News Good Morning Maryland 5AM  ABC  January 11, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EST

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quite at this hour. back to you. you thank you, kim. head lines from the new york daily news, tom brady, randy moss exam the rest of the patriots couldn't stop a dominant ravens and the city couldn't be more proud of their home team. linda joins us live with reaction. hey, linda. >> we will talk about it in a second, the ravens wasted no time showing the patriots who was in charge. they e plodded out of the gate -- exploded out of the gate in the first quarter to score a touchdown on the first play, they put up 24 points in the opening quarter alone. the final score 33-14. had fans all over baltimore on their feet. they packed local bars and restaurants to watch the game. we caught up with some, purple passion sweeping the city giving fans something to cheer about and business owners, too. >> it is great for business, on a regular sunday, it would be half this crowd right now.
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>> if you look at the losses the they really, i mean they didn't get blown out by anybody and the games they losses they made mistakes here and there. >> the ravens play the colts in indianapolis on saturday at 8:15, if they win they will play for the championship for second year in the a row. in the studio, linda tso. coming up, jamie costello who was on the sidelines has a full wrap up of the game's highs and lows. so stay with us. you tonight want to miss jay -- don't want to miss jamie's reports. >> next month, that's for sure. but right now, if you want the most and they're paying a pledge for people, the first priority here is abc 2 news, johnson live with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, megan. yes, in less than a month, city council president, stephanie
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raulings blake will become mayor. now, at this weekend's foundation awards breakfast, people were already treating her as if she were running the city. at this city she received the award of excellence and a lifetime achievement award. blake was treated to -- from some powerful sources, something that she says is very much welcomed as the city tackles difficult issues even before the transition and complete and long after. >> with a keen eye on our budget we are operating at a deficit. if we don't get that under control, nothing else matters. we have to protect our core priorities, and other city services. in order to do that we need to get the budget under control. the city council president has a busy schedule starting at 7:30 with a meeting with baltimore city police department, followed by a luncheon and later this evening
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with the city council meeting. reporting live in downtown baltimore, abc 2 news. in baltimore city comes just days before session 2010 begins. this week state lawmakers will head to annapolis to take on the largest issues facing the city. a $2 billion deficit, the budget problems will likely play a prominent role with many experts predicting that tax hikes will mostly be ruled out because it is of course an election year. former governor, bob this week at the start of the legislative session. it is a rematch with martin o'malley, calling for thousands to protest o'malley's fiscal policies, wednesday at 7:00 p.m. another big story, president barack obama has no intention of sending u.s.
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troops to yemen or sa mall i can't. david -- who i in iraq and afghanistan said that that yemen's foreign minister does not want u.s. ground troops in their country. there's a new book hysterectomying store shelves today about the 2008 presidential election and this this morning has a lot of people in washington and all over the country talking. it is called game change. there are direct quotes revealing dozens of secrets including a comment from house majority speak harry reed about then president-elect barack obama now the national committee wants him to resign we have more. >> reporter: damage control over the majority leaders comments. >> senator reed appropriately went out and apologized for comments that were insensitive. >> in a book called game change, the senate majority
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leader is quoted as saying in 2008 that barack obama would be a success partly due to his light skinned end quote appearance and noted he was a gifted speaker r with no quote dialect unless he wanted to have one end quote. president obama said reed is not a ray cyst ray. we voted for him. >> still like in situations of the controversy with mississippi senator who publicly praised one time segregationist, democrats disagree. >> the difference between the situation with that you thurmond it seems like senator loke was saluting his efforts in the 60s to be a vigorous opponent of civil rights. >> the controversy comes at a difficult time for reed who is
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lost in a difficult re-election battle for his seat. >> 5 minutes after 5:00 and california l is no stranger to earthquake, we will show you how much this rattled shoppers in northern california over the weekend. frightening video, a man tossing a cocktail into a gas station. and justin berk is keeping an eye on the weather again. >> reporter: it is 5:06, 19 right now, the wind not that strong, about 6 miles per hour. we will calculate the wind chill in a couple l of minutes. just a cold monday morning off of a frigid weekend and on the mta lines, here is mark jones. >> good morning. the commute is a good one, on the metro but light rail is ten minutes late. be aware of that in light rail travels. train on time on the brunswick lines. on the bus system, look for 36
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to use almeda lieu to a water main break and the 61 and 64 both taking a diversion at hanover. i'm mark jones. [ male announcer ] you've reached a stage where you're comfortable with who you are. shouldn't your skin be just as comfortable? introducing new dove men+care with micromoisture. this new technology activates on contact leaving your skin moisturized. it's clinically proven to fight skin dryness better than any regular men's body wash... leaving your skin feeling comfortable. new dove men+care. be comfortable in your own skin. ♪ the comfort of dove. now in a bar. ♪
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so i make them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm, flaky pastry with delicious, sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get box tops r their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. that, on the list of things kids love, our party pizzas have just passed toy robots. awkward. kids love totino's party pizzas. . now the forecast certified most accurate. we have a wake up window at the bottom of the screen.
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we are officially at 19 right now at bw withi marshall. some other temperatures check out like this 21 in easton, it is colder in ocean city and dover. we match the number back toward haegerstown at 19, and it feels like 11 here in baltimore. we match that mark with an extra breeze out there in ocean city. we may slip another notch or two, basically a clear start but a quick disturbance and perhaps provide late day flurries. the high of 32, light snow possible tonight but then we will talk about a warm up. that's right a warming trend, and even just getting to normal would be warmer. we will let you know about that. it is 5:10. let's see what's happening on the roads with kim brown. >> mostly quite but a heads up on the outer loop. they start the maintenance project on the curtis creek drawbridge. that mean it is outer loop will
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be closed between route 10 and the exit ramp from route 10 to the outer through february 12th. two way traffic gets by this morning, expect lengthy delays in that area. also in townsend, the right lane taken away due to a broken water main and looking here at light and conway, traffic is quite through baltimore this morning. megan, back to you. thanks, kim can. it has been dubbed as one of tv's biggest missteps and abc will cancel the jay leno show. the deep freeze continues but what impact can it have at your breakfast people. that story is coming up. ugh... what's up? feet are killing me... you should get some custom fit orthotics. i can't afford that. now you can... oh! (annnc) drholl custo fit orthotic. (woman's voice) you have flat feet... i do? (man's voice) orthotic 430 is recommended. (announcer) it recommends the custom fit orthotic that's best for your feet, guaranteed.
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no wonder footcare scientists are behind it. you'll get immediate comfort... all day. ..t la and, they're a great deal. nice! (announcer) dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center. for locations, see and you're shopping with jay, john, joel, jake and joe ...only joe is growing faster hi. i need that suit in a larger size. (announcer) well, with sears store to home, we'll find exactly what you're looking for. and we can either ship it to you for free, or i can find it for you at another sears. shipping! (announcer) store to home. there's more ways to shop your way at sears. life. well spent. so warm and fluffy. make the most out of the most important meal of the day. so warm, flaky; it might be the last time chips and dip
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are invited back. savorings. in the freezer case. from pillsbury.
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>> >> thanks for joining us this morning. the cambridge man who is living, the suspect in the 1982 tylenol murders made an appearance this weekend. james lewis on the left behind me was in a public access channel in massachusetts to talk about his book which ironically is about people who die from poisoning. on the show lewis refused to talk about the tylenol but did talk about the letter to the drug makers manufacturer demanding $1 million to stop the killings. he spent more than 13 years in prison for extortion. nbc's not so long nightmare is over. they have confirmed that they
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asked jay leno to move back to 11:35 each night during the week. the entertainment chair told reporters that the network invisions leno to bring the funny beforehanding it over at 12:05. no deal has been struck, leno leaves 10:00 p.m. officially on february 12th. whether it is oranges, you can expect to see higher r citrus fruit prices coming to a grocery store near you. how the freeze in the south is now going to have a squeeze on your wallet. >> reporter: the deep freeze that blanketed the country is setting records and causing big headaches. in florida it has been a race against time. 40% of the world's orange supply comes from their fields. >> if something happens then we are just on our own. that's part of agriculture. >> water pumps are running and
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being sprayed with a coat of water because a thin layer of ice can protect from a concrete hard freeze. >> when they freeze it is done. >> cleveland's airport clovessed on sunday, a power out age sparked after road on a power line. thousands of passengers were stranded. >> hopefully we can get out maybe tomorrow hopefully. >> two tragedies are being blamed on thin ice, a 50-year- old man along with his daughter and grand daughter died when the snow mobile sank through fragile ice. in atlanta, three teens fell into is a freezing pond, one survived. farmers continue their battle. >> we have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. but the hope and preparation is up against mother nature's force. more record lows are forecast this morning. what does this mean for your glass of orange juice, consumers are likely to see prices of oj go up if the
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freeze continues. now, the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate, and maryland's most powerful doppler radar. let's check out the temperatures in florida, daytona, orlando at 30, both places had sleet on saturday morning. 29 degrees currently in tampa, 34 west palm beach and 36- degrees in miami. so they're still in the deep freeze. our numbers 19 here, compared to 9 toward pittsburg. one more shot to come today. on this 11th day of -- that's what we normally would expect. we will not get that close to normal. 1975 showed us the record of 73 degrees. we have clear skies, high clouds around sunrise and after wards, this is part of a system back across the great lakes right on in through northern
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michigan right now. this system in and of itself is providing snow shower that is will likely stay for the most part to our north. the bulk of the snow likely western pa northern r pa through the southern tier of new york state but we have the chance of snow showers coming in this afternoon through this evening. the time line takes us through tomorrow, reenforcing shot of cold air and more clouds to the north on wednesday, but this is actually a sign of the cold pattern shifting to the east, high pressure will takeover and warm up for the second hatch of the week. for today, however, 32 degrees, despite the sun we will see a quick increase, there could be flurries by late afternoon or evening, 2-degree guarantee of around 32. light snow showers or flurries tonight. the better chance of anything coating the ground would be up to the north and through southern pa and south of baltimore, hardly a flake to be found. don't worry about this one, 23 just a nuisance event up across
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pennsylvania. as far as tomorrow is concerned, for some reason, 29 it should be closer r to freezing, looking for variable and the chance of flurrys and expecting temperatures to modify by the second half of the work week. we will check out the extended forecast in a couple of minutes. right now to the roads with kim brown. today starts the beginning of, you could say a bit of a more of a challenge to travel the outer loop between quarantine p road and route 10 as they are prepared to shut down the outer loop roads this morning as they start may want maintenance on the curtis creek drawbridge. two way traffic gets by this morning and the exit from route 10 will also be closed. in townsend, york road closed between actually not in both directions, the right lane taken away because of a bust water main. keep that in mind as you make your way out, and here at northern parkway, no problems on 83 in either directions.
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megan back to you. it just is really the noise was so loud, and just the shaking i didn't think was ever going to quit. >> reporter: today residents are still cleaning up after a 6.5 earthquake that shook the area on saturday. the tremor, a few hours of power out ages and no major injury. in milwaukee of a dangerous incident will help bring a suspect to justice. look at this, in december a flaming bottle l was throne into a gas station at a cashier. police believe it was retal retaliation. luckily the cashier was not injured. >> got me in the upper and lower lip, here the back of my head. that man you just heard from is a news paper publisher
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and according to police, the man who beat him up is the town's mayor. last week a brawl between the mayor and the local news paper publisher. >> is site say it was over a recent article. it claims that he started the fistfight by poking at his pacemaker. a bystander had to break up the fight. both men are now facing charges. >> >> the latest message from new york city from the health officials there, hold the salt. officials plan to release voluntary guidelines suggesting that the maximum amount of salt should be in all sorts of packaged food rather. the city already bans transfats in restaurant food and requires eateries to post calorie as well. workers now are really making a name for themselves.
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we will visit the ginko restaurants and the work force and how it is changing the face of the food industry. [ male announcer ] this is america. and this is our cheese. kraft singles. american cheese. only one nation could create it. and that nation is...america. a nation of dreamers, try-harders, doers. try doing this with roquefort. it's made with milk, never oil like some other slices. it is the culmination of the american dream, all wrapped up in individual slices.
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kraft singles. the american cheese. no secrets. i take care of myself, and i eat yoplus. it has the great taste of yoplait, plus antioxidants, plus fiber and probiotics, plus calcium and vitamin d. this new yoplus gives me pro+active nutrition. when you've got yoplus, you don't need secrets.
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try new yoplus for free at and plus up your yogurt. . >> now the forecast most accurate by weather rate and maryland's most powerful radar r. >> we have a clear start today, it is cold and looks it as we check out the live view looking north at the science center. we have a day here that will stay cold with increasing clouds. our forecast for this afternoon did you does occur with 32 and the chance of light snow or
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snow showers late afternoon and evening, better chance of the overnight and through tomorrow morning, temperature maximum out out 32 today, 38 tonight and 33 with a flurry tomorrow. 45 though, something to shoot for with sunshine by thursday. it is 5:25, let's go up to new york and get tech bytes. >> in today's tech bytes a new way to cut down on cell phone bills, the magic jack the device that lets you make cheap calls over the internet has a version for cell phones, the new magic jack routes calls for the web from your home instead of the cellular tower and using your minutes. it goes on sale in about four months for $40. michael jackson this is it will be released this month with new features, it uses technology that lets you view supplementary materials on a computer or iphone while l you watch the movies about anything on the computer screen. it also allows viewers to create and share custom play lists using songs from the
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movie. fresh from the release of the new smart phone, tabooing google is thinking about the next one, the company is working on a version of the 1 for businesses and did not give many details but said it might have a real key board. >> >> samsung unveiled the last half of the consumer e will ebbing tronnics that looks like it is -- electronics that looks like from the sci fi movie which generates light but doesn't have to be eliminated from behind. anyone anxious will have to wait. this is just a photo type. the snuggei has become a phenomenon, the first electric blanket with sleeves that features a thermostat it won't provide comfort during this cold winter it won't be available until spring. for more information on all of these stories log on to the technology page of
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those are your tech bytes. this mornings tech bytes brought to you by weight watchers.
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103 yards r against new england and the longest runs the patriot allowed all season, 50-yarder. he got a big one right here. it is ray in a foot race with -- [screaming] he takes the first play of the game, 83-yard and a touchdown. >> is he a stud or what. bell check and brady were no match for the purple l and black as the ravens advance further. say since the governor can't get in on action, how governor o'malley took e


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